Stage 7 - Anger at Bells Court
It may be a quiet square off the main street in Falmouth's town
centre. But early in the 19th Century it was a different scene in
Bells Court.
As you stand at the bottom of the hill looking up to Bells Court
it's hard to believe the small lane was once the scene of a major
Take a walk up Bells Court
There was mutiny in the air in 1810, and if you were standing on
the same spot then you would have been surrounded by angry men.
The protestors were all sailors on the famous packet ships. One
of the customs men had taken possession of goods which the sailors
believed were one of the perks of the job.
During the angry atmosphere 13 of the packet ships' crew were press-ganged
(forced into the Navy) so it was an explosive situation.
The court-yard at the top of the lane was once the site of the
Packet Agents Office.
It was from the steps of this office in 1810 that Christopher Saverland
read the Riot Act to the Packet crews who had mutinied when Customs
Officers confiscated the private goods of the crew members which
were intended for sale overseas and regarded by the crew as legitimate

Bells Court - all quiet now
The order stated..."(The men should) disperse themselves,
and peaceably to depart to their habitations or to their lawful
business, upons the pains contained in the act made in the first
year of King George for preventing tumultuous and riotous assemblies.
God Save The King."
While this was being said by Christopher Saverland there was a
glint of metal behind him in the sunshine - the end of fixed bayonets.
The local militia have come down to enforce the Act.
The crowd eventually dispersed...For nearly 200 years all has been
quiet in Bells Court.
This walk has touched on a lot of Falmouth's history, but by no
means all of it. Visit our 'More
Fascinating Facts' page for more fascinating facts about the
This walk is as featured on the BBC
website in conjunction with the BBC Television series Coast.