Stage 3- Custom House Quay
For 150 years, Falmouth was the only place where the mail came
in and out of the country - in The Packet Ships. If you were the
captain of one of the ships you would land at Customs House Quay,
our next stop for the online walk.

For 150 years, Falmouth was second only to London for knowing the
news of the day.
This was where the Royal Mail established its packet service
where mail came in and out of the country.
Falmouth is not only one of the best natural harbours in the South
West, its also ideally placed for sailing ships returning
home on those prevailing westerly winds and far enough from
the French and other dastardly continentals desperate to intercept
our mails.

A narrow lane leads to the quay
In 1689, Falmouth was chosen as the base for a scheduled Government
route to Corunna in Spain. A Post Office agent ran the service in
The mails were delivered from London, first by post and later
by mail coach, and transported on packet ships chartered by the
Post Office.
Agents and captains were allowed to transport bullion and a few
important passengers, as well as undertaking some trading on their
own behalf.
Carrying cargo, however, was forbidden. This ban was sometimes
ignored, and many officers and crew made money by illicit trading.
By 1702 packet ships were sailing regularly to Lisbon in Portugal
and to Barbados and Jamaica in the West Indies. New York was added
in 1755, and by 1784, packets were serving Gibraltar and several
ports in the American colonies.
Routes were opened up to South America and into the Mediterranean
at the beginning of the 19th century. The mails for India were taken
to Alexandria, where an overland link to the Red Sea was established
in 1835.

The entrance was too narrow for Packets
The packet ships were little two masted brigs. They were fast,
carrying square sails, a long bowsprit, headsails and a large gaff
mizzen-sail. They attracted the attention of pirates, and carried
guns on board however, they were under strict instructions
from the Royal Mail to use them only for self-defence.
By the 1800s, a fleet of around 40 packet ships were operating
out of Falmouth. Falmouth then flourished for 200 years as the second
busiest port of the British Empire.
Because these letters werent just holiday postcards and round
robins the boats carried vital and often secret intelligence
from the four corners of the Empire back to the mother country.
The ships had special weights so the captains could sink their
cargoes if they came under attack.
For the same reason, the packet ships were built for speed
nippy little things that, if push came to shove, could usually outrun
a lumbering 'man-o-war'.
In its heyday, 3000 ships a year passed through Falmouth.
The ship agents doubled as consulates attending to the needs of
ambassadors, adventurers, prosperous merchants and desperate refugees
from practically every country on the globe.
Steam was Falmouths undoing. The steamships were faster and
more reliable than the old sailing packets. And they had no problem
reaching London whatever the wind.
By 1850 Falmouths place as the start of the information superhighway
was over.
Head away from the car park and up the ramp back on to the main
road. Turn right. Walk down the street until you reach The Falmouth
Arts Centre which will be on your left. This building, also known
locally as The Poly, is the next stage of the walk.
Continue your walk: Stage
4: Royal Cornwall Polytechnic
This walk is as featured on the BBC
website in conjunction with the BBC Television series Coast.